For Health & Wellness
"November Newsletter 2007"
To all our new and old friends – A special welcome to the growing number of younger people joining us and taking charge of their health. You guys will not only impact your own wellbeing, but those of your children. We are also impressed with the questions you raise and the understanding of the health challenges we face if we do nothing but wait until we have one. Barbara and I attended the Australasian Convention over Labour Weekend and were delighted to see so many people in the 70, 80 and even 90 year age groups, as this age group generally do as the doctor tells them, so good stuff.
Obtaining good health and sustaining it is no easy matter or simple, as we are affected by so many external and emotional factors which we don’t have much control over. While we believe that glyconutrients are vital, and the most important part of the body’s requirements for good health and longevity, we also believe you need to have an exercise program, improve your eating habits with more organic raw fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, get the sleep you need and give your body rest at least one day a week and reduce the STRESS in your lives.
You do need to find YOUR level of the amount of glyconutrients YOU require.
We can not encourage you enough to get to as many visiting key note speakers, hook into as many phone or internet conferences as you can and learn all you can, as what you learn could save a life, and that life could be yours. What you will find is we really do have something special and vital for good health and longevity.
Being overweight not only is a stress on your internal organs, joints, and increases your risk factors, it is now found that fat not only stores toxins, it attracts them.
There is a body of scientists who check companies that advertise that their products claim to have good scientific evidence and that their products do this or that, or have pictures of scientists in their white coats and labs next to their products (surprise surprise) only to find they don’t have any scientific input at all. This covers cosmetics and supplements.
I EAT WELL AND EXERCISE! We hear this so many times, followed by “So why I am getting sick when I look after myself”? We do have a growing number of people taking responsibility for themselves, like the ones who read this newsletter, however, we do not get all we need from just our food, and exercising isn’t embraced by all of us. In a recent survey in Australia they found less than 5% of the people surveyed (which included fitness groups, weight watchers and Joe Public) had a balanced approach to health. The survey covered the amount of fruit, vegetables, meat eaten, the time spent exercising, sleep habits etc.
Eating right can be a mine field, if we don’t know our metabolic type, plus advertising can mislead you to think you are making healthy choices. If you are eating on the run or buying your lunch, what are your choices e.g.
sandwiches, a six-inch ham and cheese sandwich, a 12-inch turkey sandwich
from Subway, a McDonald's cheeseburger, or a Big Mac ?
Most people would rate the Subway sandwich as having fewer calories than the burgers
The six-inch ham and cheese sandwich 330 calories
12 inch turkey sandwich 600 calories
Cheeseburger 330 calories
Big Mac 600 calories
These have the same calorie content but little or no NUTRIENTS. Nutrients are what the body needs and calories are about the amount going in, to the amount going out, or being burnt. You have got to get away from thinking what’s good and bad and start thinking nutrient density, portions and lifestyle choices.
"ARE WE TREATING CANCER, BUT KILLING THE PATIENT? (abridged, from an article from the Journal of Clinical Oncology)
More and more doctors are starting to question the wisdom of the current approach to many of the health challenges we face and this is one of the major concerns as we are losing the battle against cancer. In 1941 2% of the population were dealing with cancer, in 1971 20%, today 33% of people deal with cancer in most developed countries.
Whilst this is an area that strikes close to the heart of many, it is timely that we stop and assess our options and the wisdom of just accepting what is on offer because we are told that this is the best that can be done.
Cancer treatment has reached pandemic proportions and many families are afflicted with the trauma of this disease. Sadly, many people are dying, even though they are being treated with chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may be told to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, etc. These seem to be the only so-called “proven” paths to take.
Most people believe that all medical treatments are solidly grounded in science, and that in order to be made available to patients, such treatments must be unequivocally proven to be effective by rigorous clinical trials
This is simply not true!
But are there other paths that the cancer patient can take, while still under the care of their oncologist?
The problem with any natural treatment is that it is viewed with suspicion by most medical doctors, often saying that they are unproven and therefore cannot be used.
Dr. David Brownstein, in the foreword of the book: Avoiding Breast Cancer While Balancing Your Hormones (Joseph McWherter M.D) wrote: “The pharmaceutical companies want us to believe that a cure for cancer will be found by a “ magic-bullet” drug. This will never occur.”
"The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies" (Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiol). 2004 Dec;16(8):549-60 set out to accurately quantify and assess the actual benefit conferred by chemotherapy in the treatment of adults with the commonest types of cancer.
All three of the paper's authors are oncologists.
Lead author Associate Professor Graeme Morgan is a radiation oncologist at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney;
Professor Robyn Ward is a medical oncologist at University of New South Wales/St. Vincent's Hospital;
Dr. Michael Barton, is a radiation oncologist and a member of the Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Liverpool Health Service, Sydney.
Prof. Ward is also a member of the Therapeutic Goods Authority of the Australian Federal Department of Health and Aging, the official body that advises the Australian government on the suitability and efficacy of drugs to be listed on the national Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS.
RESULTS: The overall contribution to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.
CONCLUSION: As the 5-year relative survival rate for cancer in Australia is now over 60%, it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival.
Yet, despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapy's lack of effectiveness in prolonging survival, oncologists continue to present chemotherapy as a rational and promising approach to cancer treatment.
"Some practitioners still remain optimistic that cytotoxic chemotherapy will significantly improve cancer survival," the authors wrote in their introduction. "However, despite the use of new and expensive single and combination drugs to improve response rates...there has been little impact from the use of newer regimens" (Morgan 2005).
The Australian authors continued: "...in lung cancer, the median survival has increased by only 2 months [during the past 20 years] and an overall survival benefit of less than 5% has been achieved in the adjuvant treatment of breast, colon and head and neck cancers."
Another cancer researcher obtained similar results about 25 years ago, back in the eighties.
A German epidemiologist from the Heidelberg/Mannheim Tumour Clinic, Dr. Ulrich Abel has done a comprehensive review and analysis of every major study and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done.
Abel found that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy was "appalling," only 3%, because there was simply no scientific evidence available anywhere that chemotherapy can "extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers."
Abel emphasizes that chemotherapy rarely can improve the quality of life. He describes chemotherapy as "a scientific wasteland" and states that at least 80% of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is worthless, and is akin to the "emperor's new clothes" - neither doctor nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy even though there is no scientific evidence that it works!
In 1986, McGill Cancer Centre scientists sent a questionnaire to 118 doctors who treated non-small-cell lung cancer.
More than three quarters of them recruited patients and carried out trials of toxic drugs for lung cancer. They were asked to imagine that they themselves had cancer, and were asked which of six current trials they themselves would choose. Of the 79 respondents:
64 (81%) said they would not consent to be in a trial containing cisplatin, a common chemotherapy drug.
58 (74%) of the oncologists found all the trials using any type of chemotherapy unacceptable.
What reasons did they give?
Basically, they quoted the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptable degree of toxicity."
TEAM MANNATECH The latest Team Mannatech booklet is now available with a great line up of New Zealanders (and the odd Australian) with our own Natalie Wiegersma featured, along with Gordon Tietjens (New Zealand 7’s coach) and his team, and covers sports men and women from motor cycling, surfing, soccer, golf, rugby league, cricket, beach volley ball to name but a few sports, all getting great results from our products.
Sport and EM-Pact- A Dynamite Duo for working out
Sport provides nutritional support to help attain better biochemical function by providing the building blocks from which adrenal-gonadal hormones can be rapidly synthesized. Optimizing this cellular metabolism enhances performance and endurance through a normal physiological mechanism. By increasing the availability of adrenal hormones, the athlete’s anaerobic thresholds are higher, they are able to maintain consistent endurance out-put at a higher steady state and have more rapid and complete recovery following work-outs or events.
In addition EM-Pact contains more than the blend of energy-providing biochemicals that are usually produced by the mitochondria from fats and carbohydrates. Maximal sustained muscular function may result from an increased source of energy-containing molecules. With the combination of these products providing such incredible benefits, it’s no wonder sport people are reluctant, and others just refuse to stop taking them. As the results show athletes can perform better, longer, at lower levels of discomfort and experience a more rapid recovery with the physiological results that all serious athletes desire. We have two young ladies
Liona and Gabrielle competing on Sunday 4th November in the New York Marathon, who will be hoping their Sport and EM-Pact see them to the finish line in style. Good luck girls.
THE OPTIMAL SKIN CARE RANGE – Chemicals from skin care products and sunlight do not mix. They can age you three times faster. While some skin care companies claim products are “all natural”, or “anti-aging” they may still contain ingredients that are potentially harmful and promote breakdown of the skin, like natural and synthetic preservatives, suspected carcinogens, drying alcohols, synthetic fragrances and dyes. While beauty may not be “skin deep”, keep in mind that your skin care products go deep beyond the skin and can affect your long-term health and appearance. More than 12 recent research studies show parabens to have estrogenic activity when applied to the skin – they raise estrogen levels which increase the risk of certain cancers. For more information about preservative-free skin care, with breakthrough water and nutrient technology check them out on the site below. Barbara has some very nice display posters of the skin care we brought back from Aussie, so if any of you ladies or men, selling the skin care would like one, contact Barbara.
To view information on the products www.revolutionaryskincare.info
EFA’s or Omega3 fish oils.. Due to the manufacturer undergoing renovations there maybe a shortage of EFA’s until January, so if you require any before Christmas please order early.
Our EFA has a higher DHA to EPA ratio than many others on the market. 200 $ 17.60
500 $ 43.00
1000 $ 85.60
Anyone who wishes to purchase them please contact either
Murray & Lyn Bland broughton1@xtra.co.nz Ph 03 302 6678
Or Allan & Barbara allara@xtra.co.nz Ph 03 231 3146
Laughter the best medicine
Q What do you call a sleeping bull? A A Bull dozer!
A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, “Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle and I just can’t figure out how to get started.”
Her boyfriend asks, “Well, what is it supposed to be when it’s finished?” The blonde says, “According to the picture on the box, it’s a rooster.” Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle.
She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table.
He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, “First of all, no matter what we do, we’re not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster.”
He takes her hand and says, “Second, I want you to relax. Let’s have a nice cup of tea, and then … “ he said with a deep sigh, “Let’s put all the Corn Flakes back in the box.
Your thought for the month
Disease is the retribution of outraged nature Hosea Ballou
It is with disease of the mind, as with those of the body; we are half dead before we understand our disorder, and half cured when we do Charles Caleb Colton
That’s it for another month; keep well and take your glyco’s!
Good Health,
Allan & Barbara Henry
Lifestyle Choices
Feel Good, Look Good, Live Well
P.O. Box 553, Invercargill, New Zealand
115 Froggat Road, Longbush RD1, Invercargill
Phone: (03) 231-3146 ~ Fax: (03) 231-3146 ~ Email: allara@xtra.co.nz
Down at The Writers Lounge