How could the Hutt City Council approve the planning of the buildings?
They all had a golden opportunity to make this mall a beautiful centre of Lower Hutt. It is nothing more than a great ugly concrete ediface. Considering the council we have had for all these years, and also the fact that John Terris was the mayor when plans were made and the building erected, what else could you expect?
There will never be a coordinated plan for the Hutt Valley until Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt cities are amalgamated. There needs to be an overall assessment of the total needs of the Hutt Valley, this can't be done while petty little incompetent politicians hold the reins. They are both a joke! In Lower Hutt there is a pathetic campaign by biased and self-interested people led by groups within the former boroughs of Petone, Eastbourne and Wainuiomata to illegally change the name of Lower Hutt to Hutt City. Upper Hutt doen't appear capable of organising a booze up at a brewery.
We have witnessed the pathetic attempts by those self interested minions within Eastbourne threatening to secede from the City of Lower Hutt. Why? Because the Mayor, David Ogden, and his council wanted to have a uniform method of second tier representation within Lower Hutt. This would have meant the abolition of the three elected community boards, as well as the council appointed ward committes. There would not have been a majority of Lower Hutt residents against this move while council pondered and discussed just what would be the best representation in the future. But no, the over-privileged self interested zealots in the former boroughs, led by the fools in Eastbourne, jumped up and down and threatened secession from the city.
Did the strong minded burghers in the Town Hall take a strong line and well considered leadership against the rebels? No they buckled like the French Army when the Nazis attacked them during the last world war. The upshot of the matter is the status quo will remain in the three boroughs, but the rest of the original city won't even have council appointed ward committees for the next three or more years.
What a bunch of gutless wonders! It is to be hoped that good council candidates stand in behind Ken Laban as the obvious frontrunner for the mayoralty this year.

Is there anything more ugly than the new mall in Lower Hutt?
How could the Hutt City Council approve the planning of the buildings?
They all had a golden opportunity to make this mall a beautiful centre of Lower Hutt. It is nothing more than a great ugly concrete ediface. Considering the council we have had for all these years, and also the fact that John Terris was the mayor when plans were made and the building erected, what else could you expect?
There will never be a coordinated plan for the Hutt Valley until Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt cities are amalgamated. There needs to be an overall assessment of the total needs of the Hutt Valley, this can't be done while petty little incompetent politicians hold the reins. They are both a joke! In Lower Hutt there is a pathetic campaign by biased and self-interested people led by groups within the former boroughs of Petone, Eastbourne and Wainuiomata to illegally change the name of Lower Hutt to Hutt City. Upper Hutt doen't appear capable of organising a booze up at a brewery.
We have witnessed the pathetic attempts by those self interested minions within Eastbourne threatening to secede from the City of Lower Hutt. Why? Because the Mayor, David Ogden, and his council wanted to have a uniform method of second tier representation within Lower Hutt. This would have meant the abolition of the three elected community boards, as well as the council appointed ward committes. There would not have been a majority of Lower Hutt residents against this move while council pondered and discussed just what would be the best representation in the future. But no, the over-privileged self interested zealots in the former boroughs, led by the fools in Eastbourne, jumped up and down and threatened secession from the city.
Did the strong minded burghers in the Town Hall take a strong line and well considered leadership against the rebels? No they buckled like the French Army when the Nazis attacked them during the last world war. The upshot of the matter is the status quo will remain in the three boroughs, but the rest of the original city won't even have council appointed ward committees for the next three or more years.
What a bunch of gutless wonders! It is to be hoped that good council candidates stand in behind Ken Laban as the obvious frontrunner for the mayoralty this year.
Is there anything more ugly than the new mall in Lower Hutt?
How could the Hutt City Council approve the planning of the buildings?
They all had a golden opportunity to make this mall a beautiful centre of Lower Hutt. It is nothing more than a great ugly concrete ediface. Considering the council we have had for all these years, and also the fact that John Terris was the mayor when plans were made and the building erected, what else could you expect?
There will never be a coordinated plan for the Hutt Valley until Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt cities are amalgamated. There needs to be an overall assessment of the total needs of the Hutt Valley, this can't be done while petty little incompetent politicians hold the reins. They are both a joke! In Lower Hutt there is a pathetic campaign by biased and self-interested people led by groups within the former boroughs of Petone, Eastbourne and Wainuiomata to illegally change the name of Lower Hutt to Hutt City. Upper Hutt doen't appear capable of organising a booze up at a brewery.
We have witnessed the pathetic attempts by those self interested minions within Eastbourne threatening to secede from the City of Lower Hutt. Why? Because the Mayor, David Ogden, and his council wanted to have a uniform method of second tier representation within Lower Hutt. This would have meant the abolition of the three elected community boards, as well as the council appointed ward committes. There would not have been a majority of Lower Hutt r