For Health & Wellness
October Newsletter 2007
To all our new and old friends – Well it’s another month down and one, dare I say it, closer to Christmas yet again. Well, that was a bit naughty, however come December “GMP’s” (Good Manufacturing Practises) and “Safety Standards” will be law in the USA for supplements. This law has just passed through it’s final stages and will be the required law come December this year; this is the start of what will be required globally with supplements. Mannatech has for the last 6 years had all these requirements in place, the majority (over 95% of them) of all other supplement manufacturers have NOT and their choices are comply or close.
Over the past 5 years Mannatech has spent 20 million dollars on scientific research validating “glyconutrients” and many of those studies are being repeated by medical universities and contract agencies to validate them, or have written them up for publication in medical and scientific journals.
Mannatech’s current scientific focus is in the proper function and structure of the cell and how glyconutrients totally work within the body and this research will show just how VITAL taking glyconutrients are in all areas of your health now, and as we age, no matter what age we are, babies to seniors, no matter what challenges us.
We don’t have to wait for all the science to be proven over and over, we just have to take them for long enough in the high enough quantities and give our bodies time to do what it was designed to do “heal, repair, defend itself”.
To patent anything they have to be “new” and unobvious” and I think most of us were a little sceptical when we first learnt of glyconutrients and that’s OK, as throughout history this has been normal for most things new, as anything different to the norm was viewed with scepticism. It is amusing when you look back over history and read about people like Marconi and how he was committed to a mental asylum when he first told people about electricity; today we take it for granted.
5 – 10 years from now glyconutrients will be in almost every home and will be part of the norm.
Just think JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association) was against taking vitamins and mineral supplementation right up until 2002 and now they recommend that we do supplement - changes can and do take time.
Today “Glyconutrient” technology is still fairly new and the extensive worldwide research in this area makes it harder for our company to fly under the radar and must have some rival supplement companies, or pharmaceutical companies, a little nervous. There have always been natural supplement products that have been helpful to our health, however, “glyconutrients” are “VITAL” to our health and what we will see, from as early as 2010, glyconutrient “Wellness” products from Mannatech, where you can target an individuals supplementation needs and there will be a greater focus on prevention.
Most of what we put in the newsletters does not come from Mannatech, but from news articles sent in by you guys, or what we pick up via the media. It is then compiled and sent on to our Associates in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and NZ.
What is clear from the information we receive is that what is happening here is also happening in most other countries. This may help you when someone says, “Your science is too new,” or “But I eat real healthy,” or “but I exercise ( whatever ) and don’t need to supplement.” YEAH! RIGHT. I must confess I thought some of that.
Like this from Canada which appeared in The Globe, The Mail and on CTV News recently.
(abridged) Dr Bulford Mason a biochemical nutritionist says “When I hear people (healthcare community) say: You can get all the nutrients you need from food. I ask them: Where is there a shred of evidence that is true? No matter how well we eat, it’s not possible to get adequate nutrition”. We need nutrient dense foods, but the reality is that we are not getting them. Vital vitamins and minerals have dramatically declined in most popular foods including potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, apples. The story is similar for 25 fruits and vegetables that were analysed by government researchers in 1951, 1972, & 1999. Almost 80% of foods tested showed drops in calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin. Potatoes for example lost 100% vitamin A, 57% vitamin C and iron, 28% of calcium, 50% riboflavin and 18% thiamine. The biggest loser was Broccoli a food that epitomizes the dictates of healthy eating, all 7 of it’s measurable nutrients declined. The cause is modern farming methods, green harvesting, long haul transportation, cool storage and crop breeding are all contributing to the drop in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The results were almost identical to similar research conducted in the US and Britain. We are eating fruits and veges somewhere between rock hard and rotten, not sun, or vine ripened.
Dr Nugent’s continued from last month
We should encourage everyone to be proactive and not reactive when it comes to “Wellness”, as this waiting until we are sick and then looking for a quick fix isn’t working and never will. Unfortunately most of us do wait and we will have some residual carry-over from that approach, however, the earlier we intervene, or the younger we start supplementing, the better the outcome.
According to the World Health Organisation there are over 40 NEW diseases today that we didn’t have, or know about, just a generation ago. With man clearing forests in parts of the world we are seeing new infections we have never seen before, through insect bites and the likes, and NO treatments for them.
Some of the things our doctor may not know, that may cause or exacerbate degenerative disease;-
Aspirin depletes - foliate, vitamin C and zinc
Oral contraceptives deplete – foliate, vitamin B6
Corticosteroids deplete – calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, B6, C,D,K & zinc
Antibiotics deplete – foliate, vitamin B2, K – increases your chances of developing Asthma
Glucophage depletes – vitamin B12, drains energy
Dr Nugent suggested that current medical intervention has us dying longer NOT living longer.
We are part of the “Wellness Revolution” - this revolution like all others will not be lead by regulators, politicians or the likes, but by people like YOU and I making healthy choices.
The Optimal Skin Care Range – The skin is the largest organ of your body. Like the lungs, the skin “breathes” in and out, taking in nutrients and releasing toxins. You may have noticed a trend in the pharmaceutical industry in which more and more prescriptions are being offered in a “patch” or gel form. That is because research shows that introducing substances through the skin is an effective and steady way to get needed medicines directly into the bloodstream. That’s great news when it comes to medicines, but what does that mean to us about skin care? It means that we have to ask two important questions about the products we choose to use to enhance our skin: what’s in it? And is it helpful or harmful? What you put on your body will end up in your body. If you are not using the Optimal Skin Care products, do check them out on the site below.
To view information on the products www.revolutionaryskincare.info
It’s time to ditch our drug habits continued from last month
Throughout human history the leading causes of death have been infection and trauma. Modern medicine has scored significant victories against both, and the major causes of ill health and death are now chronic degenerative diseases, such as coronary artery disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, macular degeneration, cataract and cancer.
Drugs can alleviate symptoms of these diseases, but they do little to alter the underlying disease, which usually continues to deteriorate. Based on the idea of the "magic bullet", developed in the 19th century by the founders of pharmacology such as Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich, most drugs are designed to block a single step in the complex process leading to the symptoms of illness; a strategy which rarely cures, and is often associated with unpleasant side-effects. Modern medicine is generally practised as crisis management: wait until the diagnosis, then start treatment. But by the time symptoms of these diseases appear, damage has already been done to the body that drugs cannot address. The chronic degenerative diseases - like coronary artery disease and Alzheimer's - have a long latency period before symptoms appear and a diagnosis is made. It follows that the majority of apparently healthy people are "pre-ill". In their bodies are the seeds of the illness which will one day become overt and perhaps kill them.
But are such conditions inevitably degenerative? A truly preventive medicine that focused on the pre-ill, analysing the metabolic errors which lead to clinical illness might be able to correct them before the first symptom appears. Genetic risk factors are known for all the chronic degenerative diseases, and are important to the individuals who possess them. At the population level, however, migration studies confirm that these illnesses are linked for the most part to lifestyle factors- exercise, smoking and nutrition. Nutrition is the easiest of these to change, and the most versatile tool for affecting the metabolic changes needed to tilt the balance away from disease (a point made by the recent World Health Organisation report Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases).
Micronutrient (glyconutrient) depletion. A New Generation of Malnutrition, we consume fewer micronutrients. Most processed food is depleted in micronutrients, and more processed food is being eaten than ever before. Malnutrition is found in developing countries, however a new study shows malnutrition is the major cause of poor health in all developed countries and usually combined with caloric excess. This malnutrition worsens when few micronutrient (glyconutrient) groups are ingested.
However, the pharmaceutical model has also created an unhealthy dependency culture, in which relatively few of us take responsibility for maintaining our own health. Instead, we have handed over this responsibility to health professionals who know very little about health maintenance, or disease prevention. They are taught only how to manage disease, or rather the very late stages of disease, when it becomes symptomatic. We have many palliative drugs, and many ways of suppressing the symptoms of illness, but hardly any cures. When the pharmaceutical industry was founded on the "magic bullets" of Koch and Ehrlich, it started in the wrong place. It should have followed Pasteur who, towards the end of his career, came to the realisation that le terrain (our internal physiology) was all-important.
Nevertheless, pharmaco-nutritional programs are poised to do for degenerative diseases what antibiotics did for infectious illnesses, and the potential health-care cost savings are enormous. The social implications of the prospective changes in public morbidity and mortality, which may represent as many as 25 additional years of healthy middle and old age, will be even more significant.
Not A One Nutrient Solution . . . you need all 8 glyconutrients for good health, and longevity.
Accordingly, a comprehensive and universal program of micronutrient (glyconutrient) support is probably the most cost-effective and safest way of improving general health.
We May Need Far-Sighted Politicians,
In an experiment in Japan and Finland, where instead of drugs, patients nutrition was improved, their health improved dramatically and the costs of treating them fell by in excess of 30%. There are some forces on the side of pharmaco-nutrition. These include the manufacturering of the functional foods and functional food formatted supplements that will make major contributions to public health. It could also come to include some far-sighted politicians who grasp that the next wave of health care will be food, and the point of delivery will shift from the pharmacy.
EFA’s or Omega3 fish oils.. We are often asked what other things outside of improving our diet, glyconutrients, exercise, increasing our intake of water and rest, can we do to gain greater wellness. We mostly recommend EFA’s which help in the fight and prevention of disease. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are part of the “Wellness” puzzle, especially during winter, or when sunshine is less, so this is when you should increase their intake. The medical profession is increasingly recognising the benefits and are aware of the imbalance of the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio within most people and the impact that this has on heart disease, cancers, depression, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes, hyperactivity and ability to concentrate. EFA’s help pregnant women avoid premature births, low birth weights and many other complications.
Our EFA has a higher DHA to EPA ratio than many others on the market. 200 $ 17.60
500 $ 43.00
1000 $ 85.60
Anyone who wishes to purchase them please contact either
Murray & Lyn Bland broughton1@xtra.co.nz Ph 03 302 6678
Or Allan & Barbara allara@xtra.co.nz Ph 03 231 3146
Laughter the best medicine
There once was a blind man who decided to visit Texas. When he arrived on the plane he felt the seats and said, “Wow, these seats are big!” The person next to him answered, “Everything is big in Texas”. When he finally arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar. He ordered a beer and got a mug placed between his hands. He exclaimed, “Wow these mugs are big!” The bartender replied, “Everything is big in Texas”. After a couple of beers the blind man asked where the bathroom was located. The bartender replied, “Second door to the right” The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second door. Instead, he entered the third door which lead to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by accident. Scared to death, the blind man started shouting, “Don’t flush, don’t flush!”
Your thought for the month
Scepticism, is slow suicide Ralph Waldo Emerson
He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.
Arabian Proverb
That’s it for another month; keep well and take your glyco’s!
Good Health,
Allan & Barbara Henry
Lifestyle Choices
“why not get the most out of life”
P.O. Box 553, Invercargill, New Zealand
115 Froggat Road, Longbush RD1, Invercargill
Phone: (03) 231-3146 ~ Fax: (03) 231-3146 ~ Email: allara@xtra.co.nz