Monday, March 25, 2013

Vision for growth in Lower Hutt city...

The Urban Growth Strategy will go out for public consultation from 16 April to 17 May, as part of council’s Annual Plan process.
"The strategy is about growing the city over the next 20 years to make it a desirable city, with housing options that provide a range of choices for our residents and ratepayers," he says.
The first of two options has a target growth of 5000 more homes and an extra 4000 people by 2031.
This would be achieved through a combination of greenfield development catering for mixed housing - a total of 2,500 new homes, mainly in Wainuiomata and Kelson, and intensification - 2,500 new homes, in the form of infill housing comprising low- and high-rise apartments.
Option two is more ambitious, with a target of 7500 new homes and 10,000 more people by 2031. This would include similar provisions as option one but with twice as much intensification and a stronger focus on infill and multi-unit development.
Mayor Wallace says Hutt City needs to grow if it wants a sustainable future.
"Standing still means our city will lose our young people who are essential to sustainable growth.
"The question being posed in the Urban Growth Strategy is how much growth do we want and what will it look like?
"Our vision is to secure a brighter, more prosperous future for our city.

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