Friday, December 14, 2007

The Wellington Tenths Waitangi claim to be settled - but is it really just...

The Wellington Tenths Waitangi claim to be settled - but is it really just?

Crown land is to be returned to Taranaki Whanui(Wellington). There is a long list of various lands in Wellington and Lower Hutt cities.

There will be financial and commercial redress: There will be opportunities to buy certain properties, including a conditional purchase of Defence force land at Shelly Bay.

Sale and leaseback on selected crown properties to a value of $120 million. Some sales will include buildings. Sold properties permanently leased back to occupying government departments. However these departments must consent to the sales.

First right of refusal on surplus land for up to 100 years from settlement. Would this be feasible, considering the long time period?

Crown will investigate possible sale of airspace above Wellington Railway Station and the rail corridor. Again, would this be feasible if a future National Government could privatise these areas?

There will be a cultural redress package, which could include the beds of certain rivers and streams; coastal marine areas,marginal strips of land; government buildings; and a number of historic reserves and parks. Quite frankly the Government doesn't have the right to grant the latter - they belong to all New Zealanders.

There will be deeds of recognition, in which the crown will have regard for the claimants views on certain parks and reserves.

The crown will consider Maori place names for certain places of significance, and Maori/Pakeha for other areas.

There will be other cultural redress, including the possibility of transfering three cultural sites near Pencarrow Lakes and placing powhenua on crown sites of cultural significance. Centre Point and Wellington Airport will be invited to discussions with the claimants.

After all the talk, will consideration be given to ensure that the original and historical owners of the land in Wellington and Lower Hutt cities be given a fair share of all compensation by way of cash or land? The Taranaki tribes in the mid-1830's usurped the land from a number of local tribes, who then fled into the interior of Manawatu and other areas, ie Ngati Ira? The Taranaki tribes themselves, had fled to Wellington for protection by the British Army from invading Waikato tribes. Justice must be seen to be given. If recognition of the rights of ancestors of the original owners is not given, there cannot be any rights of compensation for land allegedly taken from Taranaki tribes by the crown or private individuals in the 1830's and 1840's!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Glyconutrients for Health & Wellness - November Newsletter 2007...


For Health & Wellness

"November Newsletter 2007"

To all our new and old friends – A special welcome to the growing number of younger people joining us and taking charge of their health. You guys will not only impact your own wellbeing, but those of your children. We are also impressed with the questions you raise and the understanding of the health challenges we face if we do nothing but wait until we have one. Barbara and I attended the Australasian Convention over Labour Weekend and were delighted to see so many people in the 70, 80 and even 90 year age groups, as this age group generally do as the doctor tells them, so good stuff.


Obtaining good health and sustaining it is no easy matter or simple, as we are affected by so many external and emotional factors which we don’t have much control over. While we believe that glyconutrients are vital, and the most important part of the body’s requirements for good health and longevity, we also believe you need to have an exercise program, improve your eating habits with more organic raw fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, get the sleep you need and give your body rest at least one day a week and reduce the STRESS in your lives.

You do need to find YOUR level of the amount of glyconutrients YOU require.

We can not encourage you enough to get to as many visiting key note speakers, hook into as many phone or internet conferences as you can and learn all you can, as what you learn could save a life, and that life could be yours. What you will find is we really do have something special and vital for good health and longevity.

Being overweight not only is a stress on your internal organs, joints, and increases your risk factors, it is now found that fat not only stores toxins, it attracts them.

There is a body of scientists who check companies that advertise that their products claim to have good scientific evidence and that their products do this or that, or have pictures of scientists in their white coats and labs next to their products (surprise surprise) only to find they don’t have any scientific input at all. This covers cosmetics and supplements.

I EAT WELL AND EXERCISE! We hear this so many times, followed by “So why I am getting sick when I look after myself”? We do have a growing number of people taking responsibility for themselves, like the ones who read this newsletter, however, we do not get all we need from just our food, and exercising isn’t embraced by all of us. In a recent survey in Australia they found less than 5% of the people surveyed (which included fitness groups, weight watchers and Joe Public) had a balanced approach to health. The survey covered the amount of fruit, vegetables, meat eaten, the time spent exercising, sleep habits etc.

Eating right can be a mine field, if we don’t know our metabolic type, plus advertising can mislead you to think you are making healthy choices. If you are eating on the run or buying your lunch, what are your choices e.g.

sandwiches, a six-inch ham and cheese sandwich, a 12-inch turkey sandwich

from Subway, a McDonald's cheeseburger, or a Big Mac ?

Most people would rate the Subway sandwich as having fewer calories than the burgers

The six-inch ham and cheese sandwich 330 calories

12 inch turkey sandwich 600 calories

Cheeseburger 330 calories

Big Mac 600 calories

These have the same calorie content but little or no NUTRIENTS. Nutrients are what the body needs and calories are about the amount going in, to the amount going out, or being burnt. You have got to get away from thinking what’s good and bad and start thinking nutrient density, portions and lifestyle choices.

"ARE WE TREATING CANCER, BUT KILLING THE PATIENT? (abridged, from an article from the Journal of Clinical Oncology)

More and more doctors are starting to question the wisdom of the current approach to many of the health challenges we face and this is one of the major concerns as we are losing the battle against cancer. In 1941 2% of the population were dealing with cancer, in 1971 20%, today 33% of people deal with cancer in most developed countries.

Whilst this is an area that strikes close to the heart of many, it is timely that we stop and assess our options and the wisdom of just accepting what is on offer because we are told that this is the best that can be done.

Cancer treatment has reached pandemic proportions and many families are afflicted with the trauma of this disease. Sadly, many people are dying, even though they are being treated with chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may be told to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, etc. These seem to be the only so-called “proven” paths to take.

Most people believe that all medical treatments are solidly grounded in science, and that in order to be made available to patients, such treatments must be unequivocally proven to be effective by rigorous clinical trials

This is simply not true!

But are there other paths that the cancer patient can take, while still under the care of their oncologist?

The problem with any natural treatment is that it is viewed with suspicion by most medical doctors, often saying that they are unproven and therefore cannot be used.

Dr. David Brownstein, in the foreword of the book: Avoiding Breast Cancer While Balancing Your Hormones (Joseph McWherter M.D) wrote: “The pharmaceutical companies want us to believe that a cure for cancer will be found by a “ magic-bullet” drug. This will never occur.”


"The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies" (Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiol). 2004 Dec;16(8):549-60 set out to accurately quantify and assess the actual benefit conferred by chemotherapy in the treatment of adults with the commonest types of cancer.

All three of the paper's authors are oncologists.

Lead author Associate Professor Graeme Morgan is a radiation oncologist at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney;

Professor Robyn Ward is a medical oncologist at University of New South Wales/St. Vincent's Hospital;

Dr. Michael Barton, is a radiation oncologist and a member of the Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Liverpool Health Service, Sydney.

Prof. Ward is also a member of the Therapeutic Goods Authority of the Australian Federal Department of Health and Aging, the official body that advises the Australian government on the suitability and efficacy of drugs to be listed on the national Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS.

RESULTS: The overall contribution to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.

CONCLUSION: As the 5-year relative survival rate for cancer in Australia is now over 60%, it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival.

Yet, despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapy's lack of effectiveness in prolonging survival, oncologists continue to present chemotherapy as a rational and promising approach to cancer treatment.

"Some practitioners still remain optimistic that cytotoxic chemotherapy will significantly improve cancer survival," the authors wrote in their introduction. "However, despite the use of new and expensive single and combination drugs to improve response rates...there has been little impact from the use of newer regimens" (Morgan 2005).

The Australian authors continued: " lung cancer, the median survival has increased by only 2 months [during the past 20 years] and an overall survival benefit of less than 5% has been achieved in the adjuvant treatment of breast, colon and head and neck cancers."


Another cancer researcher obtained similar results about 25 years ago, back in the eighties.

A German epidemiologist from the Heidelberg/Mannheim Tumour Clinic, Dr. Ulrich Abel has done a comprehensive review and analysis of every major study and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done.

Abel found that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy was "appalling," only 3%, because there was simply no scientific evidence available anywhere that chemotherapy can "extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers."

Abel emphasizes that chemotherapy rarely can improve the quality of life. He describes chemotherapy as "a scientific wasteland" and states that at least 80% of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is worthless, and is akin to the "emperor's new clothes" - neither doctor nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy even though there is no scientific evidence that it works!


In 1986, McGill Cancer Centre scientists sent a questionnaire to 118 doctors who treated non-small-cell lung cancer.

More than three quarters of them recruited patients and carried out trials of toxic drugs for lung cancer. They were asked to imagine that they themselves had cancer, and were asked which of six current trials they themselves would choose. Of the 79 respondents:

64 (81%) said they would not consent to be in a trial containing cisplatin, a common chemotherapy drug.

58 (74%) of the oncologists found all the trials using any type of chemotherapy unacceptable.

What reasons did they give?

Basically, they quoted the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptable degree of toxicity."

TEAM MANNATECH The latest Team Mannatech booklet is now available with a great line up of New Zealanders (and the odd Australian) with our own Natalie Wiegersma featured, along with Gordon Tietjens (New Zealand 7’s coach) and his team, and covers sports men and women from motor cycling, surfing, soccer, golf, rugby league, cricket, beach volley ball to name but a few sports, all getting great results from our products.

Sport and EM-Pact- A Dynamite Duo for working out

Sport provides nutritional support to help attain better biochemical function by providing the building blocks from which adrenal-gonadal hormones can be rapidly synthesized. Optimizing this cellular metabolism enhances performance and endurance through a normal physiological mechanism. By increasing the availability of adrenal hormones, the athlete’s anaerobic thresholds are higher, they are able to maintain consistent endurance out-put at a higher steady state and have more rapid and complete recovery following work-outs or events.

In addition EM-Pact contains more than the blend of energy-providing biochemicals that are usually produced by the mitochondria from fats and carbohydrates. Maximal sustained muscular function may result from an increased source of energy-containing molecules. With the combination of these products providing such incredible benefits, it’s no wonder sport people are reluctant, and others just refuse to stop taking them. As the results show athletes can perform better, longer, at lower levels of discomfort and experience a more rapid recovery with the physiological results that all serious athletes desire. We have two young ladies

Liona and Gabrielle competing on Sunday 4th November in the New York Marathon, who will be hoping their Sport and EM-Pact see them to the finish line in style. Good luck girls.

THE OPTIMAL SKIN CARE RANGE – Chemicals from skin care products and sunlight do not mix. They can age you three times faster. While some skin care companies claim products are “all natural”, or “anti-aging” they may still contain ingredients that are potentially harmful and promote breakdown of the skin, like natural and synthetic preservatives, suspected carcinogens, drying alcohols, synthetic fragrances and dyes. While beauty may not be “skin deep”, keep in mind that your skin care products go deep beyond the skin and can affect your long-term health and appearance. More than 12 recent research studies show parabens to have estrogenic activity when applied to the skin – they raise estrogen levels which increase the risk of certain cancers. For more information about preservative-free skin care, with breakthrough water and nutrient technology check them out on the site below. Barbara has some very nice display posters of the skin care we brought back from Aussie, so if any of you ladies or men, selling the skin care would like one, contact Barbara.

To view information on the products

EFA’s or Omega3 fish oils.. Due to the manufacturer undergoing renovations there maybe a shortage of EFA’s until January, so if you require any before Christmas please order early.

Our EFA has a higher DHA to EPA ratio than many others on the market. 200 $ 17.60

500 $ 43.00

1000 $ 85.60

Anyone who wishes to purchase them please contact either

Murray & Lyn Bland Ph 03 302 6678

Or Allan & Barbara Ph 03 231 3146

Laughter the best medicine

Q What do you call a sleeping bull? A A Bull dozer!

A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, “Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle and I just can’t figure out how to get started.”

Her boyfriend asks, “Well, what is it supposed to be when it’s finished?” The blonde says, “According to the picture on the box, it’s a rooster.” Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle.

She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table.

He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, “First of all, no matter what we do, we’re not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster.”

He takes her hand and says, “Second, I want you to relax. Let’s have a nice cup of tea, and then … “ he said with a deep sigh, “Let’s put all the Corn Flakes back in the box.

Your thought for the month

Disease is the retribution of outraged nature Hosea Ballou

It is with disease of the mind, as with those of the body; we are half dead before we understand our disorder, and half cured when we do Charles Caleb Colton

That’s it for another month; keep well and take your glyco’s!

Good Health,

Allan & Barbara Henry

Lifestyle Choices

Feel Good, Look Good, Live Well

P.O. Box 553, Invercargill, New Zealand

115 Froggat Road, Longbush RD1, Invercargill

Phone: (03) 231-3146 ~ Fax: (03) 231-3146 ~ Email:

Down at The Writers Lounge

Friday, October 26, 2007

Lightning struck again - All Blacks crash out of the Rugby World Cup once again...

Well lightning struck again recently. The undoubted form and class rugby team of recent years failed at the World Rugby Cup. And brought down in a French ambush once again. What happened?

The All Blacks can beat any team in the world in a series, but in one off sudden death games it gets unstuck.It wins Southern Hemisphere Tri Nations Tournaments nearly every year. The same with The Bledisloe Cup matches against Australia. It thrashed the Lions at home a couple of years ago. It won a grand slam against the Home Nations last year.This year?

Let me tell you that Graham Henry got his own way as coach of the All Blacks and the NZRFU spent 50 million NZ dollars trying to win the RWC.

The All Blacks played wonderful rugby for three years and developed some wonderful players. Henry almost had two players in every position, except he never replaced Tana Umaga at outside centre, and used the world's potentially best fullback,Mils Muliaina, at centre when the other players failed for one reason or other, mostly through injuries.

Graham Henry's reconditioning programme, which saw 22 of the best All Blacks taken out of Super 14 for eight weeks, resulted in the AB's being underdone and injury prone at the business end of the world cup.The South Africans had the right programme, won the Super 14 without the AB's, beat England and won the world cup.Good on them!

Daniel Carter and Richie McCaw, the two best rugby players in world rugby during the last two years, went into the quarter finals against France with injuries that prevented them from lasting the game out. There were other AB's with injuries. Henry wanted and maintained he had two players in every position. There was no back up open side flanker to McCaw,only utility flanker Masoe; and Nick Evans followed Dan Carter to the stands with an injury too!

There are people who want Henry retained as coach. He is a very good coach, but maintained everything he had done was to win the RWC. He was a failure and should fall on his sword.The All Blacks have to have a new coach for the next world cup at home in New Zealand in 2011.The last time they won was at home at the inaugural world cup, where they were light years ahead of the opposition, including beaten finalists, France.

Four more years. congratulations to South Africa and England, special mention to Argentina, and Le Bleus!

The Writers Lounge

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Parliamentary punch up outside in the lobby...

In the red corner, Sports Minister, Trevor Mallard; in the blue corner National Party back bencher, Tau Henare:

Two New Zealand MP's punch it out in the lobby, while their colleagues discuss the affairs of the nation.

Parliamentary television showed two MP's leaving the House, and a few minutes later one returned pointing at his face,and continued deep in conversation with an opposition party leader.

The other, a Government Minister, returned even later, gathered his papers and left.

The parliamentary scrap started through typical bad mouthing between members - this time comments about the Minister's failed marriage. He childishly stepped the opposition member outside, where he punched him three times, and was himself grabbed about his throat by Tau Henare. There have been claims that Henare actually grabbed Mallard by the tie first. But that doesn't excuse the crude behaviour of parliamentarians.

He later appeared on television news and apologised for his immature and disgusting behaviour, more common on the streets outside hotel bars in the early hours of the morning.

With a Government Cabinet reshuffle due in a matter of only days, he may well have done his future some significant harm. PM Helen Clark doesn't suffer fools gladly.

The Writers Lounge

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Labour Day isn't valued much in New Zealand these days...

Today is Labour Day here in New Zealand. But in 2007 it is a meaningless celebration. Since the right wing National Party implemented their fascist piece of industrial legislation back in 1991, the Employment Contracts Act, workers in this country have been treated more as a commodity than a valued part of their companies' workforces.

It was a different story back in the Wellington colony of New Zealand in 1840. A carpenter, Samuel Parnell convinced fellow tradesmen that there should be eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation and eight hours for sleep. His resolution was supported by his fellow workers, and fifty years later a parade was held in the streets of the colony to support his EIGHT HOUR day. The Government of the day legislated for a public holiday. This had become a reality by the end of the century.

This holiday was 'Mondayised' for the fourth Monday of October every year. There is a suburb in Auckland, Parnell, named after the working activist.

The present Labour Party, which has led the present government for eight years now, and was born on the backs of working trade unionists in the early part of the 20th Century, has really only modified the worst aspects of the Employment Contracts Act. They owe the workers of this country a huge debt for their continuing support, and have the ability to revive the original meaning of Labour Day. Have they the nous to do so?

The Writers Lounge

Friday, October 12, 2007

Glyconutrients for Health & Wellness - October Newsletter 2007...


For Health & Wellness

October Newsletter 2007

To all our new and old friends – Well it’s another month down and one, dare I say it, closer to Christmas yet again. Well, that was a bit naughty, however come December “GMP’s” (Good Manufacturing Practises) and “Safety Standards” will be law in the USA for supplements. This law has just passed through it’s final stages and will be the required law come December this year; this is the start of what will be required globally with supplements. Mannatech has for the last 6 years had all these requirements in place, the majority (over 95% of them) of all other supplement manufacturers have NOT and their choices are comply or close.

Over the past 5 years Mannatech has spent 20 million dollars on scientific research validating “glyconutrients” and many of those studies are being repeated by medical universities and contract agencies to validate them, or have written them up for publication in medical and scientific journals.

Mannatech’s current scientific focus is in the proper function and structure of the cell and how glyconutrients totally work within the body and this research will show just how VITAL taking glyconutrients are in all areas of your health now, and as we age, no matter what age we are, babies to seniors, no matter what challenges us.

We don’t have to wait for all the science to be proven over and over, we just have to take them for long enough in the high enough quantities and give our bodies time to do what it was designed to do “heal, repair, defend itself”.

To patent anything they have to be “new” and unobvious” and I think most of us were a little sceptical when we first learnt of glyconutrients and that’s OK, as throughout history this has been normal for most things new, as anything different to the norm was viewed with scepticism. It is amusing when you look back over history and read about people like Marconi and how he was committed to a mental asylum when he first told people about electricity; today we take it for granted.

5 – 10 years from now glyconutrients will be in almost every home and will be part of the norm.

Just think JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association) was against taking vitamins and mineral supplementation right up until 2002 and now they recommend that we do supplement - changes can and do take time.

Today “Glyconutrient” technology is still fairly new and the extensive worldwide research in this area makes it harder for our company to fly under the radar and must have some rival supplement companies, or pharmaceutical companies, a little nervous. There have always been natural supplement products that have been helpful to our health, however, “glyconutrients” are “VITAL” to our health and what we will see, from as early as 2010, glyconutrient “Wellness” products from Mannatech, where you can target an individuals supplementation needs and there will be a greater focus on prevention.

Most of what we put in the newsletters does not come from Mannatech, but from news articles sent in by you guys, or what we pick up via the media. It is then compiled and sent on to our Associates in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and NZ.

What is clear from the information we receive is that what is happening here is also happening in most other countries. This may help you when someone says, “Your science is too new,” or “But I eat real healthy,” or “but I exercise ( whatever ) and don’t need to supplement.” YEAH! RIGHT. I must confess I thought some of that.

Like this from Canada which appeared in The Globe, The Mail and on CTV News recently.

(abridged) Dr Bulford Mason a biochemical nutritionist says “When I hear people (healthcare community) say: You can get all the nutrients you need from food. I ask them: Where is there a shred of evidence that is true? No matter how well we eat, it’s not possible to get adequate nutrition”. We need nutrient dense foods, but the reality is that we are not getting them. Vital vitamins and minerals have dramatically declined in most popular foods including potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, apples. The story is similar for 25 fruits and vegetables that were analysed by government researchers in 1951, 1972, & 1999. Almost 80% of foods tested showed drops in calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin. Potatoes for example lost 100% vitamin A, 57% vitamin C and iron, 28% of calcium, 50% riboflavin and 18% thiamine. The biggest loser was Broccoli a food that epitomizes the dictates of healthy eating, all 7 of it’s measurable nutrients declined. The cause is modern farming methods, green harvesting, long haul transportation, cool storage and crop breeding are all contributing to the drop in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The results were almost identical to similar research conducted in the US and Britain. We are eating fruits and veges somewhere between rock hard and rotten, not sun, or vine ripened.

Dr Nugent’s continued from last month

We should encourage everyone to be proactive and not reactive when it comes to “Wellness”, as this waiting until we are sick and then looking for a quick fix isn’t working and never will. Unfortunately most of us do wait and we will have some residual carry-over from that approach, however, the earlier we intervene, or the younger we start supplementing, the better the outcome.

According to the World Health Organisation there are over 40 NEW diseases today that we didn’t have, or know about, just a generation ago. With man clearing forests in parts of the world we are seeing new infections we have never seen before, through insect bites and the likes, and NO treatments for them.

Some of the things our doctor may not know, that may cause or exacerbate degenerative disease;-

Aspirin depletes - foliate, vitamin C and zinc

Oral contraceptives deplete – foliate, vitamin B6

Corticosteroids deplete – calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, B6, C,D,K & zinc

Antibiotics deplete – foliate, vitamin B2, K – increases your chances of developing Asthma

Glucophage depletes – vitamin B12, drains energy

Dr Nugent suggested that current medical intervention has us dying longer NOT living longer.

We are part of the “Wellness Revolution” - this revolution like all others will not be lead by regulators, politicians or the likes, but by people like YOU and I making healthy choices.

The Optimal Skin Care Range – The skin is the largest organ of your body. Like the lungs, the skin “breathes” in and out, taking in nutrients and releasing toxins. You may have noticed a trend in the pharmaceutical industry in which more and more prescriptions are being offered in a “patch” or gel form. That is because research shows that introducing substances through the skin is an effective and steady way to get needed medicines directly into the bloodstream. That’s great news when it comes to medicines, but what does that mean to us about skin care? It means that we have to ask two important questions about the products we choose to use to enhance our skin: what’s in it? And is it helpful or harmful? What you put on your body will end up in your body. If you are not using the Optimal Skin Care products, do check them out on the site below.

To view information on the products

It’s time to ditch our drug habits continued from last month

Throughout human history the leading causes of death have been infection and trauma. Modern medicine has scored significant victories against both, and the major causes of ill health and death are now chronic degenerative diseases, such as coronary artery disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, macular degeneration, cataract and cancer.

Drugs can alleviate symptoms of these diseases, but they do little to alter the underlying disease, which usually continues to deteriorate. Based on the idea of the "magic bullet", developed in the 19th century by the founders of pharmacology such as Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich, most drugs are designed to block a single step in the complex process leading to the symptoms of illness; a strategy which rarely cures, and is often associated with unpleasant side-effects. Modern medicine is generally practised as crisis management: wait until the diagnosis, then start treatment. But by the time symptoms of these diseases appear, damage has already been done to the body that drugs cannot address. The chronic degenerative diseases - like coronary artery disease and Alzheimer's - have a long latency period before symptoms appear and a diagnosis is made. It follows that the majority of apparently healthy people are "pre-ill". In their bodies are the seeds of the illness which will one day become overt and perhaps kill them.

But are such conditions inevitably degenerative? A truly preventive medicine that focused on the pre-ill, analysing the metabolic errors which lead to clinical illness might be able to correct them before the first symptom appears. Genetic risk factors are known for all the chronic degenerative diseases, and are important to the individuals who possess them. At the population level, however, migration studies confirm that these illnesses are linked for the most part to lifestyle factors- exercise, smoking and nutrition. Nutrition is the easiest of these to change, and the most versatile tool for affecting the metabolic changes needed to tilt the balance away from disease (a point made by the recent World Health Organisation report Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases).

Micronutrient (glyconutrient) depletion. A New Generation of Malnutrition, we consume fewer micronutrients. Most processed food is depleted in micronutrients, and more processed food is being eaten than ever before. Malnutrition is found in developing countries, however a new study shows malnutrition is the major cause of poor health in all developed countries and usually combined with caloric excess. This malnutrition worsens when few micronutrient (glyconutrient) groups are ingested.

However, the pharmaceutical model has also created an unhealthy dependency culture, in which relatively few of us take responsibility for maintaining our own health. Instead, we have handed over this responsibility to health professionals who know very little about health maintenance, or disease prevention. They are taught only how to manage disease, or rather the very late stages of disease, when it becomes symptomatic. We have many palliative drugs, and many ways of suppressing the symptoms of illness, but hardly any cures. When the pharmaceutical industry was founded on the "magic bullets" of Koch and Ehrlich, it started in the wrong place. It should have followed Pasteur who, towards the end of his career, came to the realisation that le terrain (our internal physiology) was all-important.

Nevertheless, pharmaco-nutritional programs are poised to do for degenerative diseases what antibiotics did for infectious illnesses, and the potential health-care cost savings are enormous. The social implications of the prospective changes in public morbidity and mortality, which may represent as many as 25 additional years of healthy middle and old age, will be even more significant.

Not A One Nutrient Solution . . . you need all 8 glyconutrients for good health, and longevity.

Accordingly, a comprehensive and universal program of micronutrient (glyconutrient) support is probably the most cost-effective and safest way of improving general health.

We May Need Far-Sighted Politicians,

In an experiment in Japan and Finland, where instead of drugs, patients nutrition was improved, their health improved dramatically and the costs of treating them fell by in excess of 30%. There are some forces on the side of pharmaco-nutrition. These include the manufacturering of the functional foods and functional food formatted supplements that will make major contributions to public health. It could also come to include some far-sighted politicians who grasp that the next wave of health care will be food, and the point of delivery will shift from the pharmacy.

EFA’s or Omega3 fish oils.. We are often asked what other things outside of improving our diet, glyconutrients, exercise, increasing our intake of water and rest, can we do to gain greater wellness. We mostly recommend EFA’s which help in the fight and prevention of disease. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are part of the “Wellness” puzzle, especially during winter, or when sunshine is less, so this is when you should increase their intake. The medical profession is increasingly recognising the benefits and are aware of the imbalance of the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio within most people and the impact that this has on heart disease, cancers, depression, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes, hyperactivity and ability to concentrate. EFA’s help pregnant women avoid premature births, low birth weights and many other complications.

Our EFA has a higher DHA to EPA ratio than many others on the market. 200 $ 17.60

500 $ 43.00

1000 $ 85.60

Anyone who wishes to purchase them please contact either

Murray & Lyn Bland Ph 03 302 6678

Or Allan & Barbara Ph 03 231 3146

Laughter the best medicine

There once was a blind man who decided to visit Texas. When he arrived on the plane he felt the seats and said, “Wow, these seats are big!” The person next to him answered, “Everything is big in Texas”. When he finally arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar. He ordered a beer and got a mug placed between his hands. He exclaimed, “Wow these mugs are big!” The bartender replied, “Everything is big in Texas”. After a couple of beers the blind man asked where the bathroom was located. The bartender replied, “Second door to the right” The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second door. Instead, he entered the third door which lead to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by accident. Scared to death, the blind man started shouting, “Don’t flush, don’t flush!”

Your thought for the month

Scepticism, is slow suicide Ralph Waldo Emerson

He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.

Arabian Proverb

That’s it for another month; keep well and take your glyco’s!

Good Health,

Allan & Barbara Henry

Lifestyle Choices

“why not get the most out of life”

P.O. Box 553, Invercargill, New Zealand

115 Froggat Road, Longbush RD1, Invercargill

Phone: (03) 231-3146 ~ Fax: (03) 231-3146 ~ Email:

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Who is going to be elected in Lower Hutt on Saturday...

Who is going to be elected in Lower Hutt on Saturday? The incumbent, David Ogden,city councillor, Ray Wallace or the well known footballer and commentator,Ken Laban for mayor? Who is going to be elected for council, regional council or health boards?

The best candidates may not be elected in any of the categories because apathetic Lower Hutt residents may not get out and do their civil duty - to vote!

I have witnessed many good left of centre candidates failing to get elected because of voter apathy. I hope the same doesn't happen this time. 'Ken Laban' must be one of the best candidates and persons to stand for the mayoralty for many a year. He could become our first mayor of Polynesian extraction as well.

If you happen to read this before voting day, make sure you have sent your voting papers in. You can vote for whoever you wish, but voter apathy is the arch enemy of democracy. So tell your family, friends and acquaintences to get your votes in. The deadline is noon on this Saturday!


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our special needs grandson's difficult journey to adulthood

We have been raising our special needs grandson for eight and a half years now, since he was eight years old. He has had severe learning and behavioural problems. He was brought to us by our national welfare agency - CYFS - for an emergency placement with us.

Nobody would listen to us about his condition, despite being assessed by his paediatrician at the age of six years. He was assessed with ADHD and comorbid conditions of conduct disorder and oppositional defiance, a minor intellectual handicap which was enough to, according to his doctor, knock him off balance, and severe learning difficulties. He was prescribed, and used Ritalin until he was 14 years old. He cannot read and write at the age of 16 years. His numeracy is much better than his literacy.

He was finally suspended from school at the age of 15 years. He showed aggressiveness - he was physically prevented from leaving a room and reacted accordingly. He was actually a victim of the professional arrogance of senior teachers, a rigid educational system and a reluctance of politicians to grant an increase in the educational vote to special education in New Zealand.

He and school are finally parted now- senior teachers woud never accept what we told them in relation to his learning and his behaviour. They claimed he was fully responsible for his actions, - and I knew he wasn't! However his teachers aides were more sympathetc and helpful, but of course could never directly challenge the authority of the senior teachers.

Early in 2006 he suffered a psychotic episode and wound up in an adolescent psychiatric unit for four weeks. Naturally I won't discuss the reasons why here, but he has been on medication ever since. It has been reduced to a very low dosage, and his ADHD symptoms, which had been suppessed by his medication, have returned, but not to the levels of his younger years. His medication should be permanently stopped in a few months providing there is no relapse.

We now have a young man of 16 years, going on 17 years to help onto his next stage in life. We won't be handicapped by arrogant senior teachers or other know-all's impedng his progress.

After a number of meetings in recent months with various health, welfare and community agencies, our opinions and beliefs have been vindicated, and we can now move forward knowing we all sing from the same song sheet. This can be only good for the young man in question, our grandson.

Since I originally wrote this post on another site, our grandson has had another psychotic relapse and is a very, very ill young man. We wanted him admitted to the youth centre at Rangatahi, but sadly he had to spend two unfortunate weeks at the adult mental health unit at Hutt Hospital. He is getting the best possible treatment at Rangatahi now, and undoubtably will be there for number of weeks.

He has been home again for some time and is being treated by a local doctor and support group. We anticipate a better deal all round. An official complaint has been lodged against Hutt Valley health's CAFS Department.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

We are now getting close to the final run into the straight for the local body elections...

We are now getting close to the final run into the straight for the local body elections. What are the issues? A load of bunkum really. The real issues are just swept under the carpet and ignored.

What issues are important from my point of view? The illegal usage of "Hutt City" as the name for our city is important in my opinion.

The possibility of amalgamating Lower Huttt and Upper Hutt cities is also important for the future of the Hutt Valley.It should be debated; residents of both cities should be given the opportunity to debate it.

The inane and naive threats by Eastbourne to secede from the city is another.

What are my opinions about candidates? Well history will debate that matter. I believe that Ken Laban is the best candidate for the position of Mayor of Lower Hutt City.

The two incumbent councillors for the Northern Ward, Angus Finlayson and Julie Englebretsen are the undoubted favourites and should be elected again. Angus, in particular, and Julie have worked hard for our area. With no local candidates standing since the 1980's there won't be any emotional reactions. The status quo will remain here!

In other areas the favourites will be expected to succeed. Pretty boring really.

I don't think there has been an election meeting in the Taita district since the 1980's, including parliamentary elections as well.

I have already expressed my opinion about the special treatment metered out for the former boroughs of Petone, Eastbourne and Wainuiomata, at the expense of residents of the original city - elected community boards, and we won't even get council appointed ward committees for at least three years. This is a major issue also swept under the carpet.

How naive are the residents of Eastbourne if they think the Government would allow them to secede from the city. The assets and resources in Eastbourne belong to the City of Lower Hutt. If they don't like it, they can always sell up and ship out!

The issues I have mentioned will be discussed privately and publicly during the next three years, regardless of the outcome of the elections.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ken Laban the only official Lower Hutt City candidate...

Why is Ken Laban the only candidate willing and proud to say he is a mayoral candidate for Lower Hutt City? Actually no other candidates have mentioned they are candidates for 'Lower Hutt' wards either.

So here we are with the elections coming up and only one official Lower Hutt candidate; the others glibly mention their ward or the fact they are standing for the mayoralty.

No wonder those involved in Upper Hutt City don't want a bar of Lower Hutt politicians or pretenders.

I personally believe that amalgamation of the final two local authorities in the Hutt Valley will prove to be the best action for the economic and social future of both. Surely, but how do you get your head aroud the parochialism of Lower Hutt?

It is this parochialism that has prevented discussion between the two councils up to now.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

If candidates learn the real name of our city - Lower Hutt...

If the one thing candidates learn during the coming council election campaign in Lower Hutt, is the real and legal name of our city, I will be a contented person.

"Lower Hutt" is the legal name as determined by the NZ Geographic Board, and to illegally promote any other name for the city without even an application for a name change, is an offence. Such transgressors could be taken to court if individual Lower Hutt residents or groups objected. They could be fined for each and every illegal promotion, and copies of such in council documents, publications, newspapers etc.

Thousands of copies are made public annually, hundreds of thousands since the name change of the council. The council could be charged and fined in court for every one of them. This could apply to the Mayor, David Ogden, his elected councillors and council officers.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Why are we maiming and killing our childen New Zealand?

Why are we maiming and killing our children New Zealand? Read below!

An Auckland toddler, in excruciating pain from broken bones, probably knew crying for help would bring no relief.
'Three minute silence' against child abuse

Police believe the 18-month old west Auckland boy, now getting treatment in Auckland's Starship Hospital, had probably learnt from previous abuse and broken bones he would get no help if he cried out.

"Quite often when babies have been in a situation like that they don't cry because there is no point in crying when nobody is going to do anything," said Detective Sergeant Megan Goldie from the west Auckland child abuse team.

"He might have just suffered in silence."

The toddler was likely to spend the next week or so in hospital recovering from broken bones as social workers looked for a foster home for him.

He was rushed to hospital in June with a broken thigh and a broken arm and doctors have told police he may have had the injuries for two to four weeks before he was seen by a doctor.

He would also have been in excruciating pain.

However, police confirmed the toddler had been in hospital before with broken bones when he was only four months old. Then he had a spiral break to his left arm but was not taken for treatment for 10 days. In a spiral break the bones are twisted apart.

He had been living then with his mother's sister, her husband and their two children.

When the latest injuries happened he was living with his parents and three siblings.

The toddler and his siblings had been removed from his parents by Child Youth and Family (CYF) and his parents had been banned from visiting him in hospital.

One of the latest breaks to his bones was a displaced fracture in his leg, meaning the bones had been allowed to move apart because they had not been treated.

"They are trying to get them to mend but the fact that they have been left for quite a while before they have gone in there, creates certain problems for them mending."

The earlier break on his left arm when he was only four months old was "wickedly displaced", she said.

She said every time he was dressed or moved with the latest injuries he would have been in extreme pain.

"The doctor said he would have been in extreme pain and he wouldn't have put any weight on his leg at all because it was so badly broken."

She said it "just about broke your heart" when she saw the toddler in hospital.

"He was lying there. There was no family around him because they have been told they can't go and see him. So here is this little 18-month-old lying in bed by himself."


Monday, July 30, 2007

The time is right to amalgamate the Hutt Valley cities...

While Auckland debates the value of having one super - council in its region, something being considered by central government as well, the time for a similar debate in the Wellinton region is probably as equally as valuable.

In the Hutt Valley it is actually something that has come of age, if you like. Its time is now! I've said it publicly before along with a number of others, that Upper and Lower Hutt cities should be amalgamated to ensure that better planning and utilisation of current and future resources in this valley can be achieved, including that most valuable of all - people!

I have never understood why the amalgamations of 1989 were not completed with the amalgamation of the two Hutt Valley entities as well. In hindsight it was a very bad decision. It allowed the two cities to meander along without real growth or planning for the future.

In Lower Hutt's case they inanely changed the name of its local authority to the Hutt City Council, obviously under pressure from the three former boroughs, Wainuiomata, Petone and Eastbourne. These three new suburbs were given special status by being given elected community boards for second tier representation, while the original suburbs were unfairly given council appointed ward committies. Despite having the opportunity to ensure equal representation for all residents of Lower Hutt City, the David Ogden led council even disestablished the meagre representation of council appointed ward committees.

These former boroughs have pressurised the Hutt City Council into a de facto name change for Lower Hutt(Hutt City) - something illegal and breaching Geographic Board legislation. The Hutt City Council could yet be taken to court and those responsible prosecuted. We all remember the inane threats of secession from Eastbourne when they thought they wouldn't have second tier representation in the next three years. The Ogden led council quickly buckled under to the threats of the over- represented and over resourced Eastbournites. Central government would never have allowed Eastbourne to secede from Lower Hutt in any case.

This final piece of the jigsaw could be debated this year, and a residents poll held in conjunction with next year's parliamentary elections.

If the eventual decision is in the affirmative, a working party comprising city councillors and council officers from both councils could meet as soon as possible to come up with some guidelines on how amalgamation would take place; and whether a city or district council should be established. However the latter could also be decided during a residents poll. A district council would ensure that a lot of the parochialism that exists would be terminated. Second tier representation could also be decided by the new local authority.

In the interim period the Hutt City Council would be well advised to promote the city correctly as 'Lower Hutt', not by the illegal term of Hutt City. They have been in breach of Geographic Board legislation for many years, and could yet be prosecuted if any body or individual within the city objected. Imagine the damage to Mayor Ogden's election campaign if somebody did decide to lay charges with the police in coming week.

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is there anything more ugly than the new mall in Lower Hutt?

Is there anything more ugly than the new mall in Lower Hutt?

How could the Hutt City Council approve the planning of the buildings?

They all had a golden opportunity to make this mall a beautiful centre of Lower Hutt. It is nothing more than a great ugly concrete ediface. Considering the council we have had for all these years, and also the fact that John Terris was the mayor when plans were made and the building erected, what else could you expect?

There will never be a coordinated plan for the Hutt Valley until Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt cities are amalgamated. There needs to be an overall assessment of the total needs of the Hutt Valley, this can't be done while petty little incompetent politicians hold the reins. They are both a joke! In Lower Hutt there is a pathetic campaign by biased and self-interested people led by groups within the former boroughs of Petone, Eastbourne and Wainuiomata to illegally change the name of Lower Hutt to Hutt City. Upper Hutt doen't appear capable of organising a booze up at a brewery.

We have witnessed the pathetic attempts by those self interested minions within Eastbourne threatening to secede from the City of Lower Hutt. Why? Because the Mayor, David Ogden, and his council wanted to have a uniform method of second tier representation within Lower Hutt. This would have meant the abolition of the three elected community boards, as well as the council appointed ward committes. There would not have been a majority of Lower Hutt residents against this move while council pondered and discussed just what would be the best representation in the future. But no, the over-privileged self interested zealots in the former boroughs, led by the fools in Eastbourne, jumped up and down and threatened secession from the city.

Did the strong minded burghers in the Town Hall take a strong line and well considered leadership against the rebels? No they buckled like the French Army when the Nazis attacked them during the last world war. The upshot of the matter is the status quo will remain in the three boroughs, but the rest of the original city won't even have council appointed ward committees for the next three or more years.

What a bunch of gutless wonders! It is to be hoped that good council candidates stand in behind Ken Laban as the obvious frontrunner for the mayoralty this year.

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Is there anything more ugly than the new mall in Lower Hutt?

How could the Hutt City Council approve the planning of the buildings?

They all had a golden opportunity to make this mall a beautiful centre of Lower Hutt. It is nothing more than a great ugly concrete ediface. Considering the council we have had for all these years, and also the fact that John Terris was the mayor when plans were made and the building erected, what else could you expect?

There will never be a coordinated plan for the Hutt Valley until Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt cities are amalgamated. There needs to be an overall assessment of the total needs of the Hutt Valley, this can't be done while petty little incompetent politicians hold the reins. They are both a joke! In Lower Hutt there is a pathetic campaign by biased and self-interested people led by groups within the former boroughs of Petone, Eastbourne and Wainuiomata to illegally change the name of Lower Hutt to Hutt City. Upper Hutt doen't appear capable of organising a booze up at a brewery.

We have witnessed the pathetic attempts by those self interested minions within Eastbourne threatening to secede from the City of Lower Hutt. Why? Because the Mayor, David Ogden, and his council wanted to have a uniform method of second tier representation within Lower Hutt. This would have meant the abolition of the three elected community boards, as well as the council appointed ward committes. There would not have been a majority of Lower Hutt residents against this move while council pondered and discussed just what would be the best representation in the future. But no, the over-privileged self interested zealots in the former boroughs, led by the fools in Eastbourne, jumped up and down and threatened secession from the city.

Did the strong minded burghers in the Town Hall take a strong line and well considered leadership against the rebels? No they buckled like the French Army when the Nazis attacked them during the last world war. The upshot of the matter is the status quo will remain in the three boroughs, but the rest of the original city won't even have council appointed ward committees for the next three or more years.

What a bunch of gutless wonders! It is to be hoped that good council candidates stand in behind Ken Laban as the obvious frontrunner for the mayoralty this year.

Is there anything more ugly than the new mall in Lower Hutt?

How could the Hutt City Council approve the planning of the buildings?

They all had a golden opportunity to make this mall a beautiful centre of Lower Hutt. It is nothing more than a great ugly concrete ediface. Considering the council we have had for all these years, and also the fact that John Terris was the mayor when plans were made and the building erected, what else could you expect?

There will never be a coordinated plan for the Hutt Valley until Upper Hutt and Lower Hutt cities are amalgamated. There needs to be an overall assessment of the total needs of the Hutt Valley, this can't be done while petty little incompetent politicians hold the reins. They are both a joke! In Lower Hutt there is a pathetic campaign by biased and self-interested people led by groups within the former boroughs of Petone, Eastbourne and Wainuiomata to illegally change the name of Lower Hutt to Hutt City. Upper Hutt doen't appear capable of organising a booze up at a brewery.

We have witnessed the pathetic attempts by those self interested minions within Eastbourne threatening to secede from the City of Lower Hutt. Why? Because the Mayor, David Ogden, and his council wanted to have a uniform method of second tier representation within Lower Hutt. This would have meant the abolition of the three elected community boards, as well as the council appointed ward committes. There would not have been a majority of Lower Hutt r

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Our city is officially and legally named Lower Hutt - not Hutt City.

If there is one thing that has infuriated me for several years now that has been the incorrect and illegal use of Hutt City instead of the correct, official and legal term of Lower Hutt.

I have written in the Hutt News and in emails to the Hutt City Council expressing my opposition and personal objection to such usage. Incredibly I have been supported in my criticism by council employees. But it is still council policy to continue to address the city incorrectly as Hutt City. New traffic signs have been manufactured recently which proclaim the way to Hutt City.

The Hutt City Council continues to describe and promote Lower Hutt as Hutt City. I decided to test my belief by contacting the New Zealand Geographical Board and asked them what the official name was for Lower Hutt. I received an envelope full of information which supported my personal claims that the Hutt City Council is actually wrong, and is in breach of the law. They also supported my own viewpoint that the Hutt City Council had never actually taken any legal steps towards an official name change for Lower Hutt, apart from being in contact with and probably having a meeting with a New Zealand Geographical Board representative. End of story!

The New Zealand Geographical Board has stated that they cannot take a case against the Hutt City Council directly, but any individual or organisation would be able to do so. Such action would be embarrasing for the present administration in a local authority election year. If one eventuates they would have brought it directly on their own heads.

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The shortsighted Hutt City Council killed off harness racing at Hutt Park Raceway and Wellington...

The shortsighted Hutt City Council killed off harness racing at Hutt Park Raceway and Wellington.

The Mayor of Lower Hutt City, David Ogden, and the Hutt City Council continually seek uses for the old Hutt Park raceway; in fact we have probably had a number of administrations seeking to utilise this valuable piece of land down at Seaview.

Of course if previous administrations hadn't run the old Wellington Harness Racing Club into the ground rather than investing city money into the complex, and failing to maintain the existing buildings on site, there wouldn't be a problem and there wouldn't be an issue, would there?

I won't pretend that I know all the ins and outs about the old raceway, but I do know that the WHRC accused the Hutt City Council of financially ruining the club by reclassifying their status from a sports club to a profit making business, and as a consequence their rates quadrupled and their enterprise was no longer feasible.

Everybody knew that the halcyon days of the club which saw the world champion pacer, Cardigan Bay,the world's first harness racing millionaire, racing at the Park in the 1960's were long gone; in fact horse racing in general, including the galloping code at Trentham, was no longer supported by the public as in earlier years. But things have their cycles - horse racing is on the up and up now, fans are returning, young people have became interested, and sponsors are putting more and more money into the racing game. Harness racing in Auckland and Christchurch is booming - and Wellington has been squeezed right out!

And the Wellington area doesn't have a harness racing track anymore and the WHRC hasn't raced on grass at Trentham for a number of seasons. Everybody misses out because of a shortsighted Hutt City Council. The complex is wasted and nobody really wants to be based there - perhaps because they don't trust an amateurish council.

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why does the Education Ministry hope to get by with less funding?

While this is obviously a national issue, it is also a local issue. Just what is the Government up to with funding for special needs education? It was reported that Education Ministry papers revealed officials hoped to save more than $23 million in funding for special needs students in coming years.

How would these savings be made? It was suggested it could only be achieved through "underspending" on these children, despite principals up and down the country stating more money, not less is needed.

It was reported by the SUNDAY STAR-TIMES that in papers it had obtained the ministry hoped to underspend in the Ongoing and Reviewable Resourcing Scheme(ORRS)by $23.5 million between 2006 and 2010. ORRS is for the highest special needs - many of whom are in mainstream classes. Why would the ministry make such a strange prediction when everybody involved knows full well that many more funding dollars will be desperately needed in coming years?

It is hypocritical of the National Party Opposiion and a particular spokeswoman to criticise, shed crocodile tears and claim anger at officials who "are picking on the most vulnerable children in society to slash funding". She says most schools struggle for special needs funding and rely on dipping into general budgets , fundraisng or pleading with parents to top them up.

The National Party is directly responsible for the situation under the Education Ministry's Section 9; they dismantled the widesread system of special education schools and many units when they were last in power in the 1990's, and only allowed funding for special need students until they left primary school. Once in Intermediate School they had to rely on the limited funding these schools received and raised.One example of this was my grandson who had good special needs support at Stokes Valley School, but only a total of seven hours mainstream support at Avalon Intermediate. I was told this was quite usual, almost the norm at intermediate schools.

To get ORRS funding a child almost has to be at the stage where they can't walk, talk, feed themselves and aren't toilet trained. I support this claim through first hand involvement wth my granson's education from the age of eight to fifteen years.

I believe the present Government and its Education Minister tried to prioritise the average mainstream education at the expense of special needs education, and their policy has blown up in their faces. New Zealand parents and teachers won't tolerate this situaton any more. The Education Ministry will just have to find the money for special needs education from other sources.They will just have to forget about tryng to save money over the next few years.

The National Party's dubious role should not be forgotten in actually creating this volatile situation, and their hypocrisy in trying to make the Labour Party the villains of the peace should not be forgotten as we move closer to the next general elections. They really are a mean spirited bunch who should be alert to the possibiliies of their own children being victims of such an education system - wealth is no guarantee against childhood learning problems.

Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tana Umaga was not an All Black legend - just a great captain...

Tana Umaga was not an All Black legend - just a great captain...

I don't wish to demean the very successful career of Tana Umaga, from the Lower Hutt suburb of Wainuiomata. There has been emotional outpouring for Tana since he hung up his boots as far as playing in New Zealand is concerned.He played league in Wainuiomata, and was selected in the Junior Kiwis, before switching to rugby and playing in the Petone premier side.In the early days Tana was a very quick attacking player, but a bit of a soft-arse on defence at times.

He progressed to the Wellington senior representative side and became one of the original Hurricanes players. He also progressed to the All Blacks on the right wing; Jonah Lomu( a real legend ) being on the left wing then. Tana was a prolific try scorer on the wing, but looked towards his future by shifting to centre. He wasn't an instant success in that position - he left a lot to be desired there, but improved as a professional rugby player.

A claim from Wainuiomata that he stands up there with Meads and Kirkpatrick was rather ridiculous. Tana may be a legend in Wainuiomata, Petone and Wellington, but he is not an All Black legend as a player.

To be an All Black legend a player had to be world class, or one of the greats in his position. Tana was neither as a player. He improved with age as a centre, a bit like old wine, and became respected by his peers and supporters. We do not have to dwell too much on his on-field negativity, but it is a fact and affected his overall record as a player.

Of course it is a captain that Tana will be remembered the most, firstly as captain of the Hurricanes, and then Reuben Thorne's successor as All Black captain with the change of coach. Tana became a very successful captain of a very successful All Black team, which has progressed even further with Richie McCaw at the helm - a team that stands close to immortality with the beckoning Rugby World Cup in a few months time.

Tana's decision to only criticise referees, whether rightly or wrongly, after his retirement doesn't do much for his credibility - it was considered rather arrogant by some people.The referees probably deserved it, but it probably would have gone down better if Tana was still captain of the Hurricanes.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Now there are four...

Now there are four blogsites at Kiwi Riverman.

"Down by the Huttriver" is my local blogsite dedicated to local interests, issues and political events.

You may not like or support everything I post here - you don't have to. But it is important to have a site dedicated to Lower Hutt City, its suburbs, its people and its government - as I see it!

You are invited to comment here - but please be polite!